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Texture Analyzer (물성분석기) Model: TVT 6700

페이지 정보

작성자최고관리자 댓글 0건 조회 98회 작성일 24-06-14 13:49



Texture Analyzer - TVT 6700

Evaluation of texture is often based on sensory evaluation and experience. The TVT 6700 texture analyzer is rapid, objective and more sensitive and reproducible than subjective sensory judgement.

The TVT 6700 applies controlled conditions of stress or strain to food and other samples to measure a complete texture profile. It accurately measures compressive and tensile force and position over time using standard test modes including single and multiple cycle compression, tensile strength, compress-and-hold, extend-and-hold, fracturability and springback to describe product texture. Data is captured as a graph and stored in a tabular data base for analysis and export to spreadsheet programs.

The TVT 6700 texture analyser is user-friendly, efficient and versatile, with rigs and probes to quantify textural properties of a range of food products and materials.

Feature and benefits - TVT Texture Analyzer
A single model suits the needs of the food industry.

User friendly
Easy to use with standard test routines and starter methods in software.

Sensitive, accurate and reproducible complete texture profiles.

Powerful software
Comparison graph overlay, automated statistical calculations, customizable analysis and report options, flexible data export to spreadsheet programs and graph export.

Robust design suits laboratory and production environments.

Standard and custom tests for hardness/firmness/softness, fracturability (brittleness), cohesiveness, adhesiveness/stickiness, springiness (elasticity), chewiness, gumminess, stringiness/shortness.

Cost Efficient
Reduce the need for sensory panels.

Texture analysis applications - TVT 6700
The flexibility of the TVT 6700 Texture Analyzer makes it suitable for a wide range of applications including

•quality control of raw materials
•in-process and finished products testing
•product formulation
•process development
•evaluation of ingredient and processing changes
•monitor changes during storage and transport
•imitating chewing
•imitating consumer handling.
Application notes include:

Bakery Applications
Bagel crumb; firmness by puncture (AIB method)
Biscuit and cookie; firmness and fracturability by penetration
Biscuit, cookie and cracker; hardness and fracturability by cutting
Biscuit and cookie; hardness and fracturability (AIB method)
Bread crumb; compression (AACC 74-09)
Bread crumb; double cycle compression
Bread crumb; firmness by compression (AIB method)
Bread crumb; firmness by compression (hold until time)
Cinnamon roll; firmness by puncture (AIB method)
Crisp bread; fracturability using break probe
Croissant; firmness by cutting
Dough; hardness by penetration
Dough; adhesiveness by penetration
Hamburger bun; crust firmness by puncture (AIB method)
Muffin; shelf life by compression (hold until time) (AIB method)
Pancakes and thin bakery products; extensibility by puncture
Sponge cake; firmness and springiness (hold until time)
Sponge cake; firmness and springiness by multiple cycle compression
Sponge cake; firmness by puncture
Sponge cake; firmness by puncture (AIB method)
Tortilla; stretchability by penetration (AIB method)
Tortilla and other thin, baked products: elasticity by tension
Tortilla chips and tostada shells; fracturability (AIB method)

Confectionery Applications
Caramel: hardness, stickiness and stringiness by puncture
Chocolate bars; hardness by penetration
Hard candy; fracturability and hardness by cutting
Soft chewy confectionery; hardness and stickiness by puncture test
Soft gummy confectionery; firmness and elasticity by compression test

Dairy Products Applications

Cheese, hard; firmness by cutting
Cheese, soft; hardness and stickiness by puncture
Cheese, soft; spreadability by compression
Cheese spread; hardness and stickiness by puncture
Ice cream; cutting (shear) force by cutting
Margarine; firmness by cutting
Margarine; firmness by puncture
Mayonnaise; firmness by puncture
Mayonnaise; consistency by back extrusion
Milk foam; firmness by back extrusion
Mousse; firmness by puncture
Yoghurt; firmness by back extrusion
Yoghurt; firmness by compression

Extruded Products Applications
Extruded snack: hardness by penetration
Pet food pellets; hardness of dehydrated pellets by compression

Fruits and Vegetables Applications

Almonds; hardness (exterior and interior) by cutting
Apples and other fruits; hardness (to predict bruising) by puncture
Apples and other fruits; hardness (to predict bruising) by compression
Beans, processed (canned); firmness by back extrusion
Potatoes: Cutting (shear) force by cutting
Potatoes, french fries; firmness by cutting
Potatoes, mashed; firmness by back extrusion

Gels (including jam and marmalade) Applications
Gel; Gel strength, elasticity by puncture
Gelatin; bloom strength by penetration
Marmalade; gel strength and elasticity by penetration

Grains Applications
Rice, cooked; firmness and stickiness by compression

Pasta and Noodles Applications
Spaghetti and noodles; cutting (shear) (AACC 16-50)
Spaghetti and noodles, cooked; firmness by cutting
Spaghetti and noodles, cooked; elasticity by tension
Spaghetti and noodles cooked; firmness and adhesiveness by compression
Spaghetti, lasagne and noodles, dry; hardness using break probe

Protein Products (meat, fish, eggs) Applications
Chicken; Firmness and cutting strength by cutting test
Egg shell; hardness (transportation strength) by puncture
Fish; firmness by cutting
Fish; firmness by puncture
Meat products, circular; firmness, (bite force) by cutting
Meat products; firmness, cohesiveness, springiness, gumminess by compression 


  • TVT brochure.pdf (127.5K) 7회 다운로드 | DATE : 2024-06-14 13:49:24
  • TVT.pdf (487.3K) 8회 다운로드 | DATE : 2024-06-14 13:49:24


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TEL: 031-297-4303 | H.P: 010-2227-0180 | 주소: 경기 수원시 팔달구 수성로 92 (화서동, 농민회관)
담당자: 이영철 | H.P: 010-3764-5322 | TEL: 031-225-5170(직) | Email: [email protected]